5 Home Projects To Do In Fall

As Summer ends and the warm weather starts to subside, it is always a good reminder to start planning ahead so you aren’t making last-minute repairs or upgrades before you need them. In California, the season brings you pleasant weather to give you the motivation to get things done around your home. Here are some useful suggestions to keep in mind this Fall for your home.

As homeowners, you probably rarely think about the insulation of your home. However, one of the few times you may think about it is typically when it’s really hot or cold inside your home. Which means you are not keeping the cooling inside your home during the Summer months, or the Heat inside during the winter months. When it comes to insulation there are a few things you should get done if it needs replacement or upgrades. One of the easiest things to check is your weatherstripping. Around your doors and windows and even your garage door, it is something simple you can do and test to prevent drafts and seal the openings. Replacing the weather stripping not only will help you save on utility costs, but also keep you comfortable. A fun way to test if you need new weatherstripping would be doing the “dollar test” on your doors to see if it can easily slide under your door if so it is a good indication that you need new weatherstripping. For windows, there’s also the “Wet Hand” approach, which is wetting your hand and run it along the window perimeter. If you feel any drafts or air leaks, you will feel them quickly. For your attic insulation, you can check to see if the insulation is level with or below the attic floor joists. If so then you probably need to add more insulation.

Similarly, with your insulation, most homeowners don’t think about doing a Roof Inspection until it is too late. Likely when you’ve had a storm and you discovered you have a roof leak, unfortunately, the downside to finding out too late other than the leak would be potential water damage, mold, and restoration costs. Schedule a roof inspection, and if missing, cracked, or broken shingles are found, it is best to correct those issues before the Winter months so that you can have peace of mind.

Carpet Cleaning
It may be surprising, but your carpet tends to get the dirtiest after the Summer months. Unless you’ve gone out on vacation for most of the summer, most families spend their summer doing outdoor activities. The Summer months tend to bring in the dirtiest activities such as outdoor family fun, sports, events, etc which when you return to your home you may track unwanted things inside. In the Fall, you can spend some time doing some Carpet cleaning by renting a machine from your local hardware store or hiring a contractor to do so.

Heating System

This area is one of the most neglected in the home, you likely see your roof visually more than your Heating system in most cases depending on the location of your Heating system as most are located in your attic. In the Fall time, there are several contractors that have specials for what is known as a “Tune-Up” which can help you save money in the long run as it is intended to do a full evaluation of the Heating system as well as maintain it. Although in California we don’t have harsh Winters like the rest of the country, a good and safe working Heating system is a vital part of your home and your comfort.

5. Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms
The first thing everyone needs to do is replace the batteries in your Smoke & Carbon Monoxide alarms. Fall time is typically a good time to do so as your home will start using more fuel-burning appliances due to the upcoming Holidays such as your fireplace, oven, and heating system. Another good thing to do is to test the alarms by pressing the “Test” buttons on each of the alarms to ensure they are in good working condition. If there are signs of failure or if the Smoke Alarms are at least 10 years old they need to be replaced. Carbon Monoxide alarms should be replaced every 5-7 years according to manufacturers.

During your Home Inspection by Diamond Property Inspections, we thoroughly check your home and document the item’s current condition. In my report, I provide you with recommendations that are needed for safety or better comfort. Schedule your Home Inspection today with Diamond Property Inspections in Riverside County or it’s surrounding areas. Call today to schedule your Inspection.

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