Home Inspection Fails

During a Home Inspection my job is to take my time and thoroughly inspect many aspects of your home. This includes but is not limited to: Plumbing System, Electrical System, Heating & Air Conditioning System, Roof, Structure, Windows, Doors, etc. There are often times that items are found that I need to document in poor or failing condition.

In this blog, we will uncover some of the odd findings I have encountered during Home Inspections which you will be able to see why these items are documented as failing state. If you are planning to buy or sell a Home, it is important to hire a qualified inspector to be able to thoroughly inspect the home and document all the findings of the condition of the home. Additionally, it is equally important to hire a licensed professional to do repairs or installations in areas where they are needed to do so.

Shower Fail

In this picture you don’t really need to take a closer look to see what is wrong with this picture. Here we see a shower that was installed at this home, and you can quickly see the shower valve that controls turning on the water and the temperature of it is placed on the outside of the shower. Not only is this just not done correctly, it is unsafe, and not aesthetically pleasing either.

Soup Can Ventilation

A Water Heater needs to be ventilated properly as it is a fuel burning system. If a Water Heater is not properly vented, the combustion may leak into the area that is located causing a Carbon Monoxide leak. This is also why we highly recommend to hire a licensed plumber who will install your Water Heater up-to California Code which will ensure your safety as well as maximize the performance of of the Water Heater. in this picture you see a Soup Can that was used as part of the vent, I would assume that this was done due to the service provider not bringing the correct amount of materials and using what they had in hand to correct it.

Hanging Outlet

The Electrical system of your home sometimes is not the easiest part to identify issues due to an Electrical system of wiring being behind walls, ceilings etc. However in this picture as you can see it was very easy to find! The reason being is because this outlet was just exposed and hanging by 2 screws. Not only is this a high risk for an electrical fire but also electrocution.

Dryer Vent Restriction

How often do you clean your dryer ducts? Or at least remove lint from your dryer filter? This is something that should be something to keep in mind often as one of the main reasons fires start in a home is due to dryers catching on fire due to dryer vents being filled with lint which is extremely flammable. In this picture you will see an item that is used to prevent critters from entering the vent into the home, however it also acts as a restriction of airflow and does not allow for the lint to escape if it needs to. This is a fire hazard.

Light it up!

I have seen instances where a power bar is installed on the ceiling of the garage among many extension cords which is a fire hazard as is. However, this one definitely brings it to a whole new level. As you can see not only are there multiple power bars connected to each other, there are also several light bulbs plugged into them and extension cords. This is definitely not the best way to put lighting in your garage.

Although these items are pretty obvious, there are many times where things can be missed in a Home by unqualified Home Inspectors. This is why hiring Diamond Property Inspections can give you peace of mind. I have spent thousands of hours in education, training, and certification processes to be able to bring my expertise to your home and identify key issues in a home for your safety. Give us a call to schedule your Home Inspection with DIamond Property Inspection in Riverside County or its surrounding cities.

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